Did you know that Procrastination is a Second Chakra Affliction?

Did you know that procrastination is a second chakra affliction?

It is! But what does that actually mean?

Well Swadhisthana, the second or sacral chakra which means One Own Abode, governs relationship. Relation to Other, to Self, to Environment, to Creation… And in relationship the first level of maturity that takes place is lifting it out of power struggles.

The element of the second chakra is water. Water offers flow and connectivity. When the flow of life force energy is blocked in the second chakra creating procrastination is mostly due to conscious or unconscious power struggles. Something in the cells saying ‘NO’ an underlying conflict of power preventing one from moving along in the directions they feel inspired towards.

When the struggles of power can be identified and released through the higher understanding that there is no truth in a power struggle, and no person can actually have power over another, It is truly an inner permission that makes it feel that way. And when there have been times when we have felt powerless, for instance, in childhood, when others have misused power in our direction …….it has never been about us, but indeed an expression of their own inner pain, therefore there is no need to hold the pain or resistance once we become adults and conscious of the patterns.

A powerful yet simple way to assist the flow of life force in the second chakra to unwind it self from lives unresolved relationship issues of power struggle and needs unfulfilled that lead to your cells calling out ‘No’ is to visualize water flowing, sweet waters of love, over your whole body, and let it healing vibration start to change the cellular ‘NO’ to a ‘YES’.

With Love !



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