What is Shakti and How Does ‘She’ help us to Become Love

What is Shakti and How Does ‘She’ help us to Become Love

She Stands as the Doorkeeper of Her Own Creation

More Radiant than 10,000 Sun’s is the description used in the ancient teachings of Yoga for Shakti the active, visible and knowable principle of Creation, She the keeper of the doorway of Her own creation. Of course She, shakti being a feminine presence according to the teachings of India, would have to be more Radiant than 10,000 Suns because she is the Creator of the Sun and She is the Sun it self and all existence.

Shakti is mysterious and obvious because She is you, She is all vibrancy, all love, all creativity all oneness. What is obvious about Her is that you exist, and there is a world around this body, mind and spirit of yours, filled with people, places, names and forms. What is mysterious is why you exist, where you came from when you were born of the womb of your mother and where you are going when your time for separating from the body and reality you have been identified with arrives.
The Great Mother’s love is said to eliminate all doubts, al worries, all fears. It is only because we experience our self as separate from the infinite source that births us lovingly into being, that these patterns of suffering arise.

Yet you may think well if shakti is who is i am why do i not feel my life is fully vibrant , loving , creative and with out the pain separation. This is because Shakti is a lover, an artist and a playful child, as well. She wishes to meet each one of us face to face, the lover in us must seek the Beloved, the artist in us keep creating a new landscape , the child engage passionately in Her game of hide and seek.

Each of us has Her complete radiance within but the radiance becomes limited from our lack of Higher perception, and this limitation sculpts the radiance into our troubles, illness, fears, etc. … Her compassion lets us mould Her eternal presence into limited states, this is the free will She gives us so that we can experience the perception that is holding us away from the true radiance of life, and reunite with Her sublime presence hiding behind the story.

Shakti is Grace. She is our vehicle. She is our starting point, our ending point and all points along the way. She wants nothing more for you than to meet her face to face. She is elegant inspiration, and our lives can be this as well, the more we allow Her radiant presence to be what we look for in the stories of our lives, and the overcoming of these stories.


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