Core Soul Story Akashic Readings

Choose Love

Transform the Old

and Awaken Your Soul’s Gift!


Transform the Core Soul Story of Your Akashic Records
The Time for Freedom is NOW

Akashic—loosely translated from its Sanskrit roots—means 'that which holds all'. This 'database' of information transcends all realms and dimensions and can be thought of as a massive library of information. There is one root story in your Akashic Records that all the other stories are echos or sequels. In the Core Soul Story Session the root story is revealed that is holding you back from wholeness. Once identified questions about life are answered and its limiting effects can be released from your life and you Soul’s Gift shine through placing you in the most joyful and fulfilling experience of life, Which is truly the birth right of every human being and the reason you take incarnation to let go of the old and discover you are love and freedom.

Love is what you are!
All life stories are like costumes, they can be removed and your Soul’s Gift revealed !


Book a reading contact Ananda

Karmic Readings are a unique look into the Living Library of your Soul’s History, often called the akashic records. During the reading the root cause of the karmic disturbances in your life are revealed, which provides cellular healing, releasing you from the past and assisting you to live a life of Joy aligned with your true Souls Gift and Life Purpose.


Everybody has a story, in fact every personality is a compilation of stories ! We take incarnation to discover and overcome the binding effects our karmic stories have on the evolution of our soul path, to glean wisdom from the story, leave the fear behind, and learn how to Choose Love, Harmony, Inner Fulfillment, and Oneness with Life, Love and our Sublime Nature.

If the truth be known all stories are love stories, love found, love lost, love being sought , love being resisted, each story trying to find its way home to the Greater Love that is our true nature. Some stories are resolved and send us forward in an integrated and positive ways and other include circumstances unresolved, which prevent us from thriving and create life experiences that flow in repetitive cycles, echoing the initial wound.

The “Stories” that comprise your personality are a collection of your Soul history, personal and ancestral biographies, (comprised of the impressions and experiences encountered in current and past lives,) genealogy, social and historical experiences of love and fear, cultural habits, histories of countries, languages, histories of humanity, and beyond !!! including all of the archetypes of the collective consciousness of humanity.

When encounters with life are left unresolved they create an imprint of fear that becomes a filter we perceive live through. This fear may present it self in any of the limiting emotions, anger, rage, attachment, sorrow, greed, lack of contentment, hatred, jealousy, fear, anxiety, depression, phobias, self worth issues, suspicion , etc.

The filtering of life can prevent you from moving forward in areas that you really wish to thrive in, even when your desire to do so is great. We see this all the time in our own lives and in others, for instance, the actor who can’t get work, the artist who can’t produce or find a good venue for the work produced, the athlete who gets injured and misses a great opportunity….. These limiting life experiences are being created by old impressions that are unresolved and are fearful of “getting back up on the horse again “ truly fearful of the empowerment for fear of meeting the loss again, so they create an underneath belief system, that magnetize the story of obstruction into your life, like a patterns that reinforce the wound.

These patterns are at the root cause of all of your difficulties in life, illness, fears, deprivation, relationship and sexual struggles, unfavourable life circumstances, in essence not being able to live your souls path and thrive in a life of love, beauty and joy.



You are a Love Story, you are a weaving of stories of love found  and love lost, creating your personality and your perceived strengths and limitations. Deep in the centre of the matrix of your Soul’s history of events is Your Core Soul Story, holding reason for beliefs systems creating limitation and your Souls Gift.

The Core Soul Story Reading is a two session experience that will change your life. The Core Soul Story Process will reveal and activate your Soul’s Gift and give you the tools and support you to live your life as the Radical  Radiant Evolving You! and Be Free of outdated blueprints from days gone by. 

Your Core Soul Story limitation is a powerful Karmic story that has created a belief system of limitation for you that is compelling and magnetic. It compels you to think, feel, and behave in ways that reinforce the story’s fears and pains, and it attracts people and situation towards you that  reinforce, and reflect back its limited beliefs. 

All of this  keeps you away from living your life’s potential of your Soul’s Gift,

Rewrite your life story and Activate Your Soul’ Gift by discovering your Core Soul Story limitation, letting go of its belief systems, and welcoming in and focusing of your Soul’s Gift. This process is a gift to yourself and to humanity that is rare, loving  and  beyond value. It will set you free to live a life of love, meaning and fulfillment, which will create a natural effulgence in the world that inspires and transforms. 

The Core Soul Story Process is exactly what our changing times are calling for. A process that will support you  to live without fear or heartbreak, in a naturally evolving  harmony with all of Creation:

The Experience includes It  includes two sessions addressing the Core  Karmic Wound , and the Souls   Gift Activation plus a Multidimensional  Vibrational Healing Recording of the session that is attuned especially for your journey  and will continue to bring you revelations and clearings for years, as well as  personal support on how to move forward in life with your new awareness and transform your life from limitation to what is Real, Love and Freedom 

Each session is approximately one hour long and is offered on zoom  



Our Karmic Readings Practitioners Training will teach how to become a conduit of higher wisdom opening your intuitive abilities to channel information and energy from higher realm guidance and the Living Liibrary of each Souls history, the Akashic Records, to assist humanity in overcoming deeply rooted fear-based patterns through love and choice, and embrace their Soul’s path.


All Readings are offered on line, pre-recorded,
written, by phone and some situations in person.

You will be in a subtle state of awareness
and healing after your session.
Please allow for some restful time afterwards.

Sliding Scales are available for those under financial duress at this time.   Please feel free to contact us to discuss this option. 





$444-$333 We offer a Sliding Scale for People under financial duress at this time. To offer a sliding scale amount for your session, please contact us directly, as the automated system cannot process this.

The Core Story Reading is the foundation of this work. One of my clients recently called this reading CPR for the Soul and I couldn’t agree more with her. It brings you back to life ! Releasing the karmic boundaries of your life and liberating your life force energy. The Core Soul Story Reading will give you insight into your deepest karmic story and the past life impression creating a pattern of limitation. and it will reveal and activate your Soul’s Gift.

The limiting impression is being held on a cellular level and is the source of fear, doubt, pain, anger, grief, illness etc. in your life. The mystery of the Core Soul Story is that left unconscious it your biggest obstacle, It affects every life choice ! But brought to consciousness it provides your biggest potential for transformation and for discovering your Soul’s purpose and path. The Core Soul Story Reading inspires deep personal transformation and understanding of the karma that creates your personality and life circumstances. During the session the story or pattern, which is stored in the non-genetic part of the DNA is rewritten, this creates Cellular Healing to take place, which is the inspiration for true transformation.

From that moment on your life will never be the same, you will never need to be bound by the past, you will now have choice to live in Love rather than fear, doubt, pain etc. and you will be assisted in making this choice by Universal energies.

Clearing the Core Soul Story limitation is like pulling the weeds out by the roots. It stops the otherwise endless cycle of new versions of the old story and creates profound life changes, by liberating your life force energy and capacity for Love and Living your Soul’s Gift.

The Core Soul Story Reading includes the Core Soul Story Reading and one Integration session which is offered approximately two weeks after the Core Soul Story Reading, and will start you on the journey of integrating the wisdom to be gleaned and taking your Soul’s Gift as a life companion.

The reading the integration session are each approximately one hour in length.

We are offering a sliding scale for those who are under financial duress. $444-$333 please contact me directly to make a sliding scale payment . Bless !

Core Soul Story Session Quatum ! $888
Receive your Core Soul Story Reading and first Integration Session plus 3 extra Integration Sessions & The Light Weaving Activation.

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LIVING YOUR SOUL’S GIFT MENTORSHIP JOURNEY is a personal 6 month journey of Soul coaching to create the life you came here to live !


Approx 30 hrs of private Radical Radiant Evolution with Ananda Xenia Shakti
(Shorter mentoring programs are also possible, according to the availability of Ananda’s Schedule)

Receive loving support, wisdom activations, energetic attunements and transmissions to Awaken your Soul’s Gift as your experience of life while clearing the Core Soul Story wound’s deeply rooted conditioning to settle for a life less than you dream of. This course will give you the codes, keys and practices for a life of Love and Dreams fulfilled.


Anyone who  who wants Real Life Change, and to know that They Are Love!

Who wants to Explore and Know themselves and experience that Life is an Art and that nothing about it is mundane. It is a Beautiful Revelation of Love and Fullness!


  • Numerous deep healing sessions

  • Energetic activations

  • Transmissions


  • Weekly private online one hr in length, live sessions with Ananda, including healing activations specifically suited to your process and recorded for your continued healing benefits

  • Light Weaving Activation, and Supportive Healing Movement and Inner Practices to assist you in letting go of your Souls Wound and Live fully into your Souls Gift and Life Dreams.

Information is Light, coded in ways that express the karmic pattern personally and universally. When light is re-woven it creates a new reality…. Light Weaving is form of self healing and prayer that will support your path in Infinite ways !


Session Length approx. 2hrs

COST $250

Light Weaving is a powerful personal Divination tool that connects you directly to Universal Guidance It is a Potent Activation that provides Energetic Healing, Intuitive Guidance, and deepened states of  Meditation and Prayer.

Our Source is Light, weaved in many intricate patterns that create the world of form and our experiences. Prayer is a longing to re-connect with this Source, to offer gratitude, devotion, to ask for insight, assistance, and healing. 

Light Weaving is a technique that connects you to  Universal Healing Energy to help deepen your relationship with the Source,  unweave patterns of tensions or life obstructions,  weave new patterns of beauty and love, and open new energy lines so you can receive the blessings of Grace and open your intuition.

Light Weaving is a spiritual practice that can be used in any circumstance to bring you into harmony, insight, joy, and love.  With consistent practice, this simple technique, that only takes a few minutes of the day,  will assist you in moving closer to the Source of Love and let go of your identifications with suffering. It alleviates mental and emotional tensions and opens you to Higher Realm Guidance to assist you in solving life challenges.

Light Weaving is a Potent Activation that you can use lifelong to deepen the quality and path of your life and your connection to your Higher Self and the Source of Creation. 

Groups Training dates TBA



Oracle Readings and Spiritual Counselling sessions give insight into live situations and provide answers to your specific questions that will give you the insight to understand the spiritual purpose of the circumstance and how to make the best choices and discover the deepest healing available through the circumstance.

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In the path of Mastery on this planet you will reclaim all the gifts and potencies that you have acquired over your many incarnations. This session will assist you in doing so !

You have developed so many wondrous gifts, over many live times. Through trauma and fear your gifts have been scattered, and your Soul purpose and presence lost. A “Reclaim Your Pieces” session will return your scattered gifts, three in each session. This process is deep, empowering, and supportive. By accepting your gifts you will spontaneously heal emptiness created by their loss.

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A unique and deeply moving type of reading that comes in the form of written poetry from the Higher Realms and your Spirit guides just for you. These readings cover all the same topics as the Oracle Readings and Spiritual Counselling sessions.

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A deeply relaxing long distance or in person healing treatment that unwinds the physical, mental and emotional tensions then uses Shamanic and Angelic techniques to extract the karmic pieces stored in the cellular level.

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These reading provide insight, guidance, and healing suggestions for parents, when their children are going through difficult times.

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Please Note : Choose Love Karmic Readings are not a substitute for medical treatment or therapies of any kind.



45 minute counselling sessions that are highly recommended as part of the Core Soul Story Process. During these sessions you will have a chance to ask all the questions you have pertaining to the Core Soul Story and you will be further assisted in the recognizing and overcoming limitations of your Core Soul Story in your day to day life, while activating your Soul’s Gift.

To assist with the depth of transformation in the Core Soul Story Process it is recommended to have 4 Integration Sessions.

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Your body and cells hold memories in the form of impression or stories and also as objects related to those stories. When the objects are removed or extracted then the story is also released in the name of love and your life force energy and new life perspectives awakened and renewed. An example of a Karmic object is, a shield from a warrior that now keeps him or her shielding from life and love or memento from a lost beloved that keeps one in a waiting pattern and unable to fully open to love.

A Karmic Extraction is a deep healing session. Each session includes 3 extractions and the session is recorded. In each session 3 karmic objects and stories will be removed with your permission.

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Three session booking for Karmic Extractions or Reclaim Your Pieces. Recommended!

If you wish to book three sessions which will complete a cycle of healing there is a discount. Book all three sessions together there is a savings of $195 making the package of three $555.

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This reading can have 1 or 2 people present.

Relationship readings look at the joint karma and karmic stories between the individuals involved. What are the old wounds that you have come together in this life time to heal? and what are the strengths and lessons in love you have come together to share? What is the great potential that lives in the love you share ? What is the relationship Soul’s Gift ? What are the filters of perception through old imprints each of you are carrying, that obstruct your ability to open fully in intimacy towards each other. How do you project your unfulfilled life expectations onto each other. How do you create harmony? And more ………

These readings are of service and healing to any type of relationship, lover, friend, parent/child…

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“I have had treatments from many healers and modalities in my life. Some – a few – have been great. No one has come close to Xenia. She is vibrating at a higher dimension and brings authenticity, truth, clarity, integrity, equanimity and humility together in such a balance as to offer a most pure kind of healing. It truly is life changing. The sessions I’ve had with Xenia have provided me with what I’ve been looking for my whole life (I’m 50). They have illuminated the way gently and smoothly, with great support and love, so that I can assimilate the changes in a profoundly flowing, dignified and beautiful way. She is what we are looking for at this time of change to provide the information we need to move forward, and to hold us steady, as we open to the light.”

— Sally Smith

“Without a doubt, getting my ‘Core Pattern’ reading done with Ananda Shakti changed my life. Pure and simple. The results from working from an Art of Life perspective has been the most healing achievement of my life so far. Not only do I recommend it, but I believe that it is a pre-requisite for anyone who is taking this life seriously. It’s an amazing opportunity to evolve, love, and live fully.”

— Shivani Howe, Puraluna Yoga

“Magic! and the perfect path to getting more in touch with your spirit. Xenia’s healing touch and intuitive insights have brought so much to my life, spirit, and entire being. Her treatments have brought me a greater connection to ‘self’ and the divine, and each treatment continues to bring deep healing to my physical, mental, and emotional being. If you are open to deepening your spiritual awareness and have yet to experience a session with Xenia, then wait no longer. You will get all and more than you ever hoped from each session.”

— Catherine McFaddon, The Holistic Way

“I consider the numerous readings that I have received from Ananda Shakti as nothing less than life changing. The nuanced and profound guidance of these transmissions continue to unfold as the years pass and my own awareness grows in pace. Her work initiates profound shifts in consciousness and deep physical release like nothing else I have experienced, bringing understanding and healing to every major challenge of my life. I am so grateful for her presence as a guide and friend on this path.”

— Adi Kanda, Poet, Musician and Intuitive Healer