Events and Community

The Journey Begins

March 11

Sisters !!!
I have exciting news to share !
Coming Ommm
to the Goddess

 Five month Inner Pilgrimage
to the most
Sacred Abode
of the Goddess
Your Own Being !

A group journey to
Awaken the Goddess
Inside and Out !

 SriVidya is the Ancient Path of the Embodying the Goddess !  
It literally means "To See Everythings as the Goddess'
Through the path of Sri Vidya 
We are going to Dance, Sing, Activate, Meditate, Elevate, Articulate, Radiate, and Vibrate  Life Force,  Divinize our Body Temples, Move the Sacred Sounds through our bodies,  Energize  and Rejuvenation, and come OMMMMMMM home to the Goddess inside and out !

The Goddess is Radical Radiant Evolution !

You Are the Love, the Light  that you Seek . You are a conduit for all sacred wisdoms and love. It is an expression of the Divine Feminine Impulse to set yourself free into the Radiance of Love and Live and Shine it out there the benefit of ALL 

Awaken the Communion with your subtle realms, for insight  & and invite the  sacred Communion that is uniquely yours to guide you forward in life and in love.


Journey in Alignment with 
The Divine Feminine Impulse
The principle of life that lovingly guides us 
Ommm 'Home'


5 months of live on line
Radical Radiant Evolution
This journey is for people who wish to Awaken into the subtle and powerful realms of Goddess energy inside and out and heal and release what  is no longer serving there highest  vision of life and love   !

This is a group journey.

Awakening One on One, and in Groups are both wonderful  aspects of our life journey. Each has their uniques benefits.

Gatherings to Awaken activates the experience of Oneness in a very tangible, way. Each person bring awareness, energy  and awakening to the group that can inspire change is all. 

The  energies of others journey's can  inspire and bring light and healing in our  perception of ourselves and life.  When we  'see ourselves' in each other things become transpersonal and quick change can take place.
One one One awakening sessions can provide the space to dive deeply into deeper aspects of our journey with life  that need more, time, love and attention. 

Both are magical journeys of Awakening' The One and the Many ' inside and out !


The Pilgrimage to You !

Month One 
Personal Coming Ommm Reading and Insight Session

2  Two hour live group calls per month 

* Activations
* Higher Realm Guidance
* Energy Healing Techniques 
* Chanting of Sacred Mantras
* Vibrational Healing
* Movement Series and Mudras to move stuck energies 
* Alignment and Listening Techniques
* Meditations

Feb: Personal Readings and Insight sessions will take place 

Group Sessions:
March 11,25
April 8, 22
May 13, 27
June 10,24

Exchange :  As these offering are in alignment with New Earth consciousness I am offering a sliding scale to exercise our new relationship with value and commerce on the horizon.
$1111 is the value 
$1111- $888 is the sliding scale 

I leave this in your hands to choose where the fee that is sincerely yours ..... As we move forward I believe this will be the way.  I have been shown visions of the commerce of the future and they are based purely on value of the object of service to the receiver.  Rather than on  clever fear based on demand marketing. Excerising this exchange idea together is another way we can activate the future now !  

Payment plans are also available. Please feel free to let me know what suits you best.

Please email mail me at
for information or registration

You will also receive  a special invitation to join me in my home India Next Fall   for and exclusive retreat Where we will go deeper into activating the Light Bliss Body, while  being located in the lap of the Ma Ganga the Great River Goddess and the mountains where the Goddess births from and visit some of the Great Goddess temples and sacred locations .  Details  TBA


With Love is Where You Are !
Ananda Xenia Shakti