Cosmic Alignment

Question “How do I unfold my Cosmic Alignment?”

There is awakening of light dearest one
that only the rare nature of the heart can touch
and we will tell you how
to hold this light
as your very own existence
for it is indeed exactly that
your very own Self

And so we start right here
at such a seeming simple point
that what you are seeking
is already truly who you are
and the steady and straight forward
meditation on this
is the way to love
the Enchanted Path
the Romance of the Awakened
and the most sacred and precious
ornament you will ever call your own

Yet living with this simplicity
this one pointed meditation
there are what we call
the stones on the path

We see our Beloved friends
trip and fall…
or get one stuck in their shoe
Or stop and start playing with them
and build a make believe castle or a jail
for them to reside in…

Until the rains of the heart come
and waters that rush down their faces
as if tears from Heaven
give them the message
it is time to move on
to find another way

For you dear
the stones on your path
we bring your vision to
are broken trust
and weakened self acknowledgement
these two moods
of broken love
are pinnacle pebbles
in your path
and they can be reabsorbed
into love
with skillful means
and patient persistence

Please know that the meditation
we described when we began
this dialogue with you
is of primary importance
it is the rebuilding of the foundation
the clearing of these moods are like sweeping the floor

For trust to be rebuilt dear lovely one
you must surrender to what has been
for no resistance or wishful dreaming
will every make it different
and the wisdom, the extraordinary wisdom
you may glean from these stunning stories
of loves confusions
can only come once the acceptance
of what has been arrives
this is not a power struggle
it is a science

it goes something like this
one cannot get the nutrition
from a meal
if they do not consume the food
the same with experience
if there is resistance
the wisdom can not be discovered
wisdom can not arrive dressed in a NO it should never have happened
it must have a YES to appear

Weakened Self acknowledgement dearest one
is perhaps the more difficult stone
to remove from the foot
because there are so many compensations
that are built
to survive the lack
and so a peeling is necessary
and a radical self honesty
that lives beneath
sometimes on the obvious levels
sometimes on the wishing level
about what is being sought after
moment by moment
in exchange with others

There is no weakness
in offering something to another that they can appreciate
yet weakness is created
when one’s value
is interdependent with this outer seeking
for in this action your life force
it projects outward
into a realm that has as many possibilities
of response as there are people
and is molded by others perceptions

We hold you closer than ever for this part of the exploration
to have the courage to peel back
what has seemed necessary for protection
to truly see where this holding back of love
from Your Self to Your Self lives
and for the absolutely brilliant voice
that says I acknowledge my Self
and now, i share this with others

This daring brilliant voice
will rise
and rise
many times many times
she will need your breath to speak her new truth
and it will be a glorious sweeping of the stones on your path
to the knowing you are already that which you seek
and there you will find us
we will sit and have tea
in the realms of Love and the realms of the Mystic
in the realms of the Cosmic Dancer
in the realms of that which is True

All love and blessings to you


The Invitation


Love Can Never Be Lost