The Child’s Dream

A man asks… Why i am not able to be faithful in my relationships ?

The Child’s Dream

Dear Child 

Please listen to our words

for we call you Child

not with out meaning

You are a Man yes

but in a Child’s heart

and the heart

of this Child wishes

to dream

to dream 

of places

where no one gets hurt

where no lies are told

where no one is troubled

where no harm can be found

And this Child 

wishes to find 

this world

as his reality

his home 

his place 

where he can run and hide

when all becomes 


once again

Darling Child

the trouble

you run from 

and the dream 

you seek

are birthed

from the same 


The dream 


as a wished for place

where that one 

so very young

dreamed he could 


a safe place

to escape from 

the very adult pressures

forced upon him

like strong gale winds 

creating upheavals

The trouble 


by the infidelities

is the whirl wind 


of the pains 

from long ago

that continue to 


your tender heart 

and convince him 

he is not enough 

for love

so he pushes

against it

whenever it comes close

Yet he craves it so desperately

for maybe the dream lives over there

In a new set of arms, in a new set of stories

maybe i will find the place 

where i can relax and trust again 

just maybe…

But every time you get close

like a hot poker jabbing you

you feel 

the burn of love

telling you 

you are not worthy

Dear Child

you are the Child 

seeking a world

other than 

what is and was yours

and although

this seeking 

is all so normal

there is no where

it will take you

but in a circle

We hand you 

a sword of love

to cut the binding

with the habits of running

and to fall 

into the utter anguish

you are carrying 

for until 

you fall

and cannot see the wound clearly

you will not be able to 

stop the cycle 

of the dreamer 

who keeps seeking 

the dream 

yet not believing 

he is worth it

Every time  

you have cheated 

or lied

has been a moment 

of the lack of self belief

that you are 

worthy of love

Having  this clear and true vision

of what has motivated the painful actions

in your heart and mind

will set your self free

from the cycle of 

unfulfilled dreams

Free to discover

a dream

that is not 

of the boy 

but is the true inspiration 

of the man

a life 

of Self Value

of giving love

and most of all

for this one who births forward

receiving love


Forget All If You Dare


The Waiting