The Love That You Are

Mary Magdalene Guidance for Humanity

The Love That You Are

We in Spirit, in Soul, In Frequencies

that to you are invisible

Watch the drama 

Watch the interplays

and we see an Easy Solution 

and Yet it is one of the most

difficult experiences of Being human

To allow Love to fill them

Remember this 

You are already filled….

You have simply forgotten

You are already full

You have simply forgotten 

And as you struggle in your days

remind yourself 

over and over

that you are Loved

and there will be a point

like a critical  mass point

where there may be 

the most profound resistance

to these words

Because you will not 

Be able to feel 

the depth of their expression 

In you current experience 

And in that moment

Of profound resistance

A new way of Seeing Yourself 

will be Found 

and this new way Will include

the Love that You Are

So as you journey 

from this moment on

no matter how bleak

it may seem at times

do not forget You are in a process

You are in a process

of consciously resisting 

the Love the You Are 

and it is going to reach a breaking point

In that breaking point

there is really no where to go

but forward

there is no where to go 

but to surrender 

to the Love itself

and through all of these steps

the ones that feel connected 

and the ones that feel

weak and empty and separated 

I am walking with you 

We are walking with you 

The Ones that cannot yet be seen

That overflow in Love …

You are not alone

You have never been alone


Is There Good and Evil ?  


Magdalene on Love